Currently it is so important getting your company info through different devices (smartphones, tablets, notebooks, not only computers) through different locations (inside company premises or on-field place). Usually, this is used for employees at home (telecommuting, also known as teleworking), commercial inquiries about prices, availability, time to market, contacts (CRM, Customer Relationship Manager), engineers testing on field, managers on traveling, etc. THIS SHOULD MAKE THE DIFFERENCE TO YOR MAIN COMPETITOR.
Targetting this goal, there are two ways:
- 1.- Remote access to company servers through internet.
- 2.- Central data and services located in external servers (also known as The Cloud).
Usually second option is chosen due savings: No more equipment, no maintenance, less electricity consumption. This architecture makes easier scalability (no new equipment is needed) and increases reliability (clusters, SAI and backups will be responsability of an external company), etc.
In the Cloud services for our customers are:
- eMail and web hosting services.
- On-line automatic backup system.
- In-the-Cloud servers.